Sunday, May 16, 2010


As many parents may know there is the stage where death needs to appear in a life of

a human being. This time it came in my kid where at an early age he needed to go out

of the world. This is really sad to me and to any single parent to loose a kid in this

way. Since Im a single parent, this have been a very strong feeling that is not a good

feeling like everybody would like to have. I raised my child since he was born until

this happen. I also treat him the best way and gave him the best. I gave him a home to

stay and a school where we learned new things, also I gave him cloth to keep him

warm, but life sometimes his not fair. I guess in sometimes I didnt gave him to much

attention but I gave him all my love and caring to make him to what he is know. I

guess he is now in a better place Resting In Peace, I guess Im alone again like I

started, but as the days pass I realize I did my best to be a single parent. I will never

forget the day when we where walking and he got push and was drop in to the rocks

and broke all his body. There was blood all over the place and I could not do anything

about it. It was terrible but life continues as it is.

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