Sunday, May 16, 2010

Age 10.....The millionaire Box

After all the stress from the school and from the job, we decided to go to the beach for a vacation and have our family to join us and enjoy the beach. We went to the beach and we where sitting on the sand digging with Emilio. I left my boy digging in the sand and I went to take the sun and have some tanning. While I was tanning Emilio came over me and ask me if he could borrow from me my cellphone. At the begging I thought he was going to use it to play, but later I see him talking with somebody. At first I ask him to whom he was talking, but he told that he found a box with 1 million Lempiras, when I heard that I was in schock and he told me he didnt know what to do with the box, so I told him to give it to me. But later I remebered about the call that he had made, and I asked him if that call that he made was related to the box he found. He answered me yes, so know I didnt what to do with the box. I think we where in trouble but we left the box with the 1 million Lempiras where Emilio found it and leave. I got really scared but later I relaxed and enjoy the beach with little Emilio.

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