Sunday, May 16, 2010

Age 12.....Puberty!

I think this is when the fun part begins in every young teen, what I mean is Puberty! Many days have passed since little Emilio was born, and know he get to this age where puberty starts to develop. For example now that he is 12 years of age he has a little bit of a deeper voice. Also some pubic hair starts to appear. He is always asking me if I passed through this strange ¨sensations¨ that he is feeling. I just tell him that is normal at that age that this kind of things starts to appear. Now when he ask me permitions to go to party, most of the time, the parties are like in some fun areas like a friends house or something fun and safe. I do let me to because I know there is going to be adults around and he will be safe. I guess the things are going to change because know he is getting more different and this are all symptoms of puberty.

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