Sunday, May 16, 2010

Age 6.....Caos

Now little Emilio is six years of age and now he is learning to control more itself in certain situations, but there is one thing I couldnt control when we where in the airport waiting for my brother to come. Little Emilio wanted a popsicle because he was hungry, he kept insisting that he wanted the popsicle, but I say no because it was to expensive and the place that we wanted from look dirty. So he had a huge tantrum that we wanted the popsicle and he started running all over the place and keep making loud noises. I didnt now what to do in that moment but he kept making mess. Everybody look at him like what he was crazy and also looked at me to control my child. So the first thing that I did was to buy the popsicle and tell him if he behaved I would buy him the popsicle. Now little Emilio learned that everytime he wants something he needs to behave to earned it.

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