Sunday, May 16, 2010


As many parents may know there is the stage where death needs to appear in a life of

a human being. This time it came in my kid where at an early age he needed to go out

of the world. This is really sad to me and to any single parent to loose a kid in this

way. Since Im a single parent, this have been a very strong feeling that is not a good

feeling like everybody would like to have. I raised my child since he was born until

this happen. I also treat him the best way and gave him the best. I gave him a home to

stay and a school where we learned new things, also I gave him cloth to keep him

warm, but life sometimes his not fair. I guess in sometimes I didnt gave him to much

attention but I gave him all my love and caring to make him to what he is know. I

guess he is now in a better place Resting In Peace, I guess Im alone again like I

started, but as the days pass I realize I did my best to be a single parent. I will never

forget the day when we where walking and he got push and was drop in to the rocks

and broke all his body. There was blood all over the place and I could not do anything

about it. It was terrible but life continues as it is.

Age 14.....Partying Starts

As many teen parents know this is the age of partying and going to parties and everything. Emilio does not stay behind. He is asking me if I could go and let me go to parties where there are no adults or any kind of protection that could keep him secure. For example tha last time there was going to be a party at a friend house. I know this stories because I experienced it when I was a young kid. So he asked me if he could go and have some fun, I know there where going to be any adults, but I trust on him that he would behave good and will not drink or consume drugs. I have known my child since the day he was born and he is a very responsible and good caring guy. Many other parents have tell me that I should be careful in the way I raise my kid, but I know how to care for him. I think Im that kind of parents who let do their kids what ever they want, but they need to be safe and doing right things. I think Im most of a permissive parent than a Authoritative parent.

Age 13.....Challenges of a teen parent

Being now a teen parent has been different for me and different for Emilio, because know this is where some problems start to arrive. Some challenges that have presented to me in the past years of being a teen parent are that know he wants to go out at everytime and sometimes he complains because I dont let me go. He usually gets mad, and when we are eating he dosent talks to me because he is mad. One thing also that I have to take control is when to get him to study because he is know getting lazy. Know there is also a big challenge and its that know he is looking out for girls. Well in that kind of things is not doing bad but I guess there is need to be a control. I remebered that days when I looked out for girls, it was really fun! Emilio have brougth me many challenges but I now how to control it and have good care.

Age 12.....Puberty!

I think this is when the fun part begins in every young teen, what I mean is Puberty! Many days have passed since little Emilio was born, and know he get to this age where puberty starts to develop. For example now that he is 12 years of age he has a little bit of a deeper voice. Also some pubic hair starts to appear. He is always asking me if I passed through this strange ¨sensations¨ that he is feeling. I just tell him that is normal at that age that this kind of things starts to appear. Now when he ask me permitions to go to party, most of the time, the parties are like in some fun areas like a friends house or something fun and safe. I do let me to because I know there is going to be adults around and he will be safe. I guess the things are going to change because know he is getting more different and this are all symptoms of puberty.

Age 11......Growing Up

Every year have been difficult to mantain a single boy and even be a single paren, but I have learned many things been a single parent. Now Emilio is eleven years old and that have been a lot of time taking good care of him. I really enjoy teaching new things like riding a bike, playing soccer, having fun in the right time and studying in most of the time. I think this have been the age in where is growing up like a teen and have the power to control himself, and also distinguish whats right for him and what is wrong. I have always tell him to do the right things, to learn new things that could help him in the future. I think the hardest part of a human being is growing up because thats the age in which many people sometimes fail or they have a lot of success. He has been a great kid and he will always be.

Age 10.....The millionaire Box

After all the stress from the school and from the job, we decided to go to the beach for a vacation and have our family to join us and enjoy the beach. We went to the beach and we where sitting on the sand digging with Emilio. I left my boy digging in the sand and I went to take the sun and have some tanning. While I was tanning Emilio came over me and ask me if he could borrow from me my cellphone. At the begging I thought he was going to use it to play, but later I see him talking with somebody. At first I ask him to whom he was talking, but he told that he found a box with 1 million Lempiras, when I heard that I was in schock and he told me he didnt know what to do with the box, so I told him to give it to me. But later I remebered about the call that he had made, and I asked him if that call that he made was related to the box he found. He answered me yes, so know I didnt what to do with the box. I think we where in trouble but we left the box with the 1 million Lempiras where Emilio found it and leave. I got really scared but later I relaxed and enjoy the beach with little Emilio.

Age 9....Behaving like a young adult

Emilio have experienced many changes since the years have passed, and he starts behaving like a young adult in such early age. I guess this is because he sees me working and doing adult stuff he is know behaving like a young adult. He is now more socializing with different kind of people in his school or where ever he goes he starts to greet people. I guess because of the age he have right now he is not aware of what his doing if good or bad, right or wrong but there is one thing I can say about Emilio, he will be a great guy when he starts to grow up and will have a lot of sweetness with the people he migth meet in the future and that will help him to continue with a good and a right life.